Thursday, May 28, 2009

Taking a break...

So. Two big-ish developments since my last post. Firstly, I will be taking a break from school. Due to financial aid - a lack of it, actually - I will not be attending SUU in the fall. Which means no copy chief job. Oddly enough, that's really the only part of not going back that saddens me. Heaven knows I could use a break... But I'll definitely miss all of my fellow Journalites.

Instead, I get to find a job. Yeah. Good luck with that. Convergys doesn't even seem to be hiring right now. That's my last last choice, anyway. Convergys - though it pays fairly well and has insurance benefits - is kind of a soul-sucker. I'd rather work at Taco Bell than Convergys. Anyway. Still looking for a job.

The second thing is that I am no longer dating Michael, for several reasons. However, the important thing is that we are still friends, and we're both okay with that. Not saying we couldn't try again sometime in the future (distant future...) but there have got to be some prerquisite conditions.

Anyway. I'm headed back home on Sunday, and as far as I know, I'll be over there a whole week.
I'm looking forward to a bit of stability. Looking forward to Sunday, too. Soundboard is pretty much awesome - if a bit scary, as I'll be flying solo. Everyone else who knows how to run the soundboard will be gone on Sunday. My first solo test. I think I can handle it... :P We shall see.

More as it comes!
--Anna Grace

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Okay, so as you may have guessed from the decreasing frequency of these blogs, I've got a lot on my plate. Summer hasn't done a thing to slow me down. So I've got a lot on which to update you. If I can remember it all. :P

I think last time I told you all that I have been hired as the Journal's copy chief for next semester - catching and correcting other people's errors. My dream job. Anyway. Since then, I've moved back home - if you can call being here two days a week "home." I've been house-sitting so much that it keeps me quite on the run. People seem to leave in droves. All at once, you know. And they all seem to call me.

Another cool thing is that I now run the sound-board for my church. It's pretty awesome, since I have figured out how to work it. Most people are utterly bamboozled by all those buttons and knobs. But I love it. So I have to be in church early Sundays and on Wednesday evenings for youth group. Michael tags along on these outings.

I should probably explain Michael, too. Michael is my boyfriend. He's utterly sweet and considerate. However, he's not a Christian, and this is a huge point of contention for me.

The last few weeks I've been helping my friend Becky clean out a foreclosed house. It was pretty nasty in there... And I ended up getting a second degree burn on my left wrist from a combination of a watch allergy and a sunburn. Then yesterday, the same house, I accidentally dropped a stove on that same hand. Sort of crunched it in between the stove and the dolly on which we were carrying the stove. So... my left hand is sort of maimed. Oh. And we found remnants of a meth lab in the basement, today, so the whole house has been sealed off and we're not cleaning it anymore. Can't say I totally mind that.

Anyway. More updates later. I'm pretty tired and need to go to bed.
Ciao, gente!

--Anna Grace