Sunday, December 21, 2008

Home again...

I do love Christmas time. I've fought long and hard with the weather and with my health to be able to make it home this Christmas. So here I am - a week late and sick as a dog - but I'm here. Uncle Tim and Aunt Hyang are supposed to be here soon... It will be so good to see them! I don't know how long they're staying... but it should be nice. Provided I don't have to leave in the middle to go get surgery. Stupid stomach stuff. I am soooooooo tired of being sick. All the time sick. And even though I'm grateful, it makes me feel horrible and helpless when people have to play nursemaid to me. It sort of makes me wonder why I can't quite handle human hospitality.

Either way, I'll be going into town Wednesday (weather permitting). There's a Christmas Eve service at the church, and I need to give Laura and Joy their gifts. Since I wasn't at church this morning. I've still got to finish that drawing for Pete, and I want to make a fish for Derek and a guitar for Eryn from clay.

Eryn finally got her horse on Friday. She is so excited... the horse is beautiful. A huge mustang mare named Roxy. Eryn says she wants me to ride her sometimes. That will be great. She's huge! I haven't been on such a tall horse in years...

Anyway... More happenings as they occur.
--Anna Grace

Monday, December 8, 2008


I figure I'd better give closure to my last post so that people don't worry too much. (As if anyone who reads this blog doesn't already know...)
I'm moved out of my other apartment and now living in Enoch. I've only been there a few nights now, but I love it. It is sooooo much more peaceful, safe, and with plenty of food. :P Anyway. Not much more to report, really. I've got finals to study for and a portfolio to work on. So I'd better get back to them. :P
--Anna Grace