Monday, October 27, 2008

Fun things...

I don't quite get how a communication professor can be so untutored in the art of communication... So when she told us that she wasn't worried about the format of our midterm papers because she wasn't "OCDC," we thought she was joking or had a slip of tongue. Except she kept saying it. Over and over. "I'm more 'loosey-goosey,' but I know Prof. Husselbee is pretty 'OCDC.'" She assured us again and again that she was not OCDC. We figured she must know what she was talking about. She proably knows something we don't. She's a professor, right?
So we looked it up and we agreed. She definitely is not the Oregon Child Development Coalition. I have decided that I'm going to start going to that class more often, because although it's incredibly boring, her malapropisms are absolutely priceless. This one has had me laughing nearly all day...

Furthermore, none of my contacts for either of my stories have called me back, which means I had a long day of waiting. I couldn't talk to Laura, 'cause she was working on papers and I didn't want to distract her. So I found another method of killing time. It's called "grafitti." Now before you all worry that I may have become a horrible vandal, no fear. It's a computer application on Facebook. People do all these really awesome, incredible drawings on it. And every once in a while, I look at those and think, "dang! I wish I could do that!" And today, I thought... "well... why can't I?" So I did.

I dunno if you can see it really well... But it's the cover-art from a movie called "August Rush," which is all about music, and is absolutely fantastic. You can't see the detail really well... but if you go on Facebook, you can get a stroke-by-stroke replay of its creation. It took forever. But now that it's done, I wanna go do something else... :) But on paper or canvas. 'Cause using a mouse to draw all that stuff reeeeally sucks. :P

More to come!
--Anna Grace

Saturday, October 11, 2008


There was lots of it today. And I have to say, coming off the pass on the way home from Milford... The snow just made my day (until I went for FREE pizza with Laura and Erika and Jessica and Pearl, 'cause then that made my day again). But we were coming off the pass, and the sun was kind of filtering through the snow, so it was this light haze, and the trees were just sort of appearing as these ghost-like shadows. Everything was close and comfy, surrounded by the snow. Some people would probably have thought it looked dismal (other than the sunlight) but it was really peaceful and calming. This whole day has been making me wish desperately for a camera, because the sun and the snow and the dark clouds and the mist all mixed together just spoke so much about the nature of things, I just couldn't help but want to snap a photo to remember. Even if I'm not crazy about the cold, I do enjoy the snow. Firstly, that snowball in Troy's face was awesome this afternoon... *fond, remembering smile...* Secondly, it's a reminder about how things change, unpredictability in life, and plus it's just plain beautiful.

Anyway. That's my random blab for the moment. :)
More random blabs later.
--Anna Grace

Monday, October 6, 2008

The coming of cold...

It was cold this morning. Really cold. I am still sitting in the newsroom, wearing a thick sweater, my heavy winter coat and a pair of gloves as I type. These nasty little icy reminders that winter is on the way have stolen my normal mode of temporary stress relief. If I'm having a rotten day in the newsroom, I'm pretty good at sneaking out the back door to go sit on the grass and soak up the sun for a few minutes. I kinda didn't think about how much I'd miss that simple little pleasure once the cold set in. I guess now I just have to take more naps underneath my desk...

As much as I dislike winter, and absolutely hate being cold, I am quite looking forward to the first snowfall. Especially lately, the beauty in nature has become extremely important to me. There's nothing like a good snowfall, glittering in the morning sun and gleaming on the mountains to put a sparkle back in someone's eye - however temporary it may be.

So if you see me around, don't be surprised if you stop seeing my actual face... It will be covered in layers. Oh, and it's only October... To think it won't warm up again until April at the soonest! *sigh* As long as I get some good photography out of it, I suppose I can handle it...

Besides, it gives me an excuse to curl up with a blanket and a hot cup of tea to read. And that's a good stress reliever, too...

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I don't really feel very good tonight. Definitely not helped by having to watch Christiana. Not helped by dad grilling me about his blog. Which is... of course, politics. I hate politics. Hate them. It might have been fine had they not been shoved down my throat with increasing consistency since the beginning of this rotten election. Yeah, leftist-press... Obama's a socialist... whatever. We all know... dirty campaigns... so what else is new? This is politics. Whether anybody wants to admit it or not, both sides play dirty, and it's all just a bunch of power-plays and manueverings to get in the right place at the right time.

I know this election is important, and I do intend to vote. But all the hype surrounding both parties, the accusations that fly on both sides and the mindsets of those so fanatically involved does nothing but increase my indifference and apathy toward our government and politics. That's probably not a good thing, I know. But I am sooooooo sick of all the stupid hype - on both sides.

Feelin' grumpy... :<
--Anna Grace

Friday, October 3, 2008


Oh, how I despise Mondays... But the next one shouldn't be too bad. Except for a test in my CSIS class (which I'm not worried about in the slightest), I'm packing up my junk and moving into Joe and Karen's while they're gone. Then, the moment they get back, Laura asked me to go stay at their place while they're gone for a week. I realize I'm fortunate to have a place to stay, but even so, it'll be good to get away for a while.

Anyway. Busy life... school, work... what else is there? I'm going to Off the Cuff (an improv comedy show) tonight for a bit of a break. Ay. And Christiana and her flood of small, loud friends have just invaded the apartment. Fun. I can't wait until bedtime.

More later.
--Anna Grace