Saturday, October 17, 2009


I can't even believe how long it's been since I posted an entry on this thing. Lots has happened. I've moved a few times, become an aunt, switched vehicles, gotten a job... Very nearly in that order.

So to expound a little on some of those things... I think I may have moved (twice? maybe?) since my last post. I was "living" in Parowan for a while. Which was code for "my stuff is in Parowan, but I house-sat up on Cedar Mountain all summer." Man... there are few better ways to make someone feel homeless and adrift than bousesitting in different places for long periods of time. It got to the point where people would ask me where I lived, and I'd go, "uhhhh... I don't know?" Confusing. Anyway... done with that, thank goodness! I'm now living out by Three Peaks, which is probably about seven miles from Cedar City, as opposed to my previous seventeen or so. The place where I live has about six or seven goats, a zillion cats, five chickens (roosters the lot of them) and two horses. For the past month or so, I've been working on-and-off on a mural on my closet doors. It's a fictitious representation of the Temple in the Old City of Jerusalem. Completely inaccurate, but it's the idea in which I'm interested. I'm also getting a kitty of my own. He's a rescue - someone's dropoff - mostly black but with some white. A tuxedo kitty, if you will. I have named him Toulouse after one of the kittens from The Aristocats.

My new job, of which I have just completed week two of training, is with a company called Convergys. It's a call center, and I'll be providing customer care for AT&T Mobility customers. As in, they call in with their problems and I fix them. Fun stuff! It pays well for this area, so even though the hours leave me exhausted, I'm not complaining. I get my first paycheck at the end of next week. The first paycheck I'll have had since the beginning of May! Hallelujah! I look forward to paying mom back what she lent me for my last job fiasco... Plus all the gas money I've had to borrow... My mom has definitely been a blessing.

The first use of my available funds, which will occur after I've paid off my horrendous medical bills, will be to buy my motorcycle. I'm buying it from my roommate, Astra. It runs beautifully and is a gorgeous machine. A 1996 Yamaha Virago. Just my size, just my style and just my price. I obviously won't be riding it during the winter. But I can't wait to get my helmet and start getting a little bit of practice on it. I've named it "Vinnie." Funny trait with me... I name all my cars. My first car was an Isuzu Trooper which I named "Izzy" (actually short for "Icarus," not for "Isuzu") and my current truck is a little blue Nissan named "Nessie." My mom's brown Dodge was nicknamed "Bertha" while I used it.

Anyway... the most important part! Nephew! Wyatt James Cole is the most beautiful baby in the world, and it is so cool to be an aunt! I can't wait to meet him. Lauren and Wyatt will be coming to visit for a day or two in December (or so the tentative plan goes...). It will be the first time anyone but my dad has met either one of them. I can tell from the photos that he has my brother's hands. :) I so want to be one of those aunts who sends birthday cards and checks every year... If I lived closer, I would want to take my nephew to baseball games... to play in the park... to give gifts and candy for just no reason at all. I have to admit that one of my big fears is to be so disconnected from family that my nieces and nephews barely know I exist. I have two or three aunts I've never even met, and I hate that. Disruptions in family affect everyone. Anyway, enough about that.

So... Now that we're all caught up... Stay that way! :P I'm on Facebook more often than I am here, and anyone (like... all two people) that is interested in keeping up a little more often than I post here can look there.
More in about a decade or so! :P

Anna Grace