Saturday, April 18, 2009


I realized today (thanks to an email from my grandma) that it has been a very long time since I posted here. So therefore, I think it's probably time for an update.
To make a long story short, I'm up to my eyeballs in busy. I'm still working at the paper as opinion editor and taking classes. Church is also getting pretty busy, too. I've got mini-church on Thursdays, sound-board practice on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Saturdays are a bit hard, as it lands smack-dab in the middle of my paper layout. And then some ladies from my mini-church finagled me into starting a knitting group every other Sunday. So that's fun.

Speaking of knitting, that's something else I've been doing a ton of. My friend Angie is having a baby. And very soon, so I've been working on a baby blanket for "little Joe." We don't know his first name yet. And when I'm done with that one, I'm starting on one for my new niece or nephew. I am sooooo excited to be an aunt, by the way... :) I want to be the kind of aunt who always sends birthday cards with $5 in them, or candy in a box. If I lived closer, I'd take him or her to a ball game (or a rodeo!) or go play in the park. Babysit. Teach him or her Spanish. Send big Christmas packages to stuff in stockings.

Anyway. I may be moving home for the summer. I look forward to gardening... and sunshine... and cleaning, actually, which is a big change. And then I've been hired back to the Journal next semester as the copy chief. For those of you who may not know what that is, that's the person who reads and re-reads every single article and page to find all the mistakes and fix them. Nothing gets published without the copy chief's say-so. I was sooo born for that job...

Anyway... I had better get back to work. It's layout day and I have knitting to do... :P
Anna Grace

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