Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A month later...

So, I just realized that I haven't posted on this blog for about a month. Mucho apologies. So... a lot has happened in the last month. I'm pretty sure everybody knows, because my mother is very good about informing people, but just in case someone doesn't (out of the three people who read this blog...), here goes.

My last post took place around Christmas. I was pretty sick. About a week before the semester ended, I started getting sick. I spent the week of Christmas in bed. And the week after that. Then I suppose it must have become evident to Derek and Eryn that something really wasn't good. Maybe the fact that I couldn't eat or drink anything... Anyway. They hauled my sorry carcass into the E.R., and it turns out that was probably a good idea. So... to make a long story short, I got stuck in the hospital for a week.

I hate hospitals. But I did have some interesting adventures with morphine... that stuff messes with your head, I tell you. I'm sure it would have been interesting to watch. So... drugs, tests, needles and vampires (because doctors are secretly vampires. Really.) and Crohn's disease. Yep. So Crohn's disease... means more drugs - steroids, which I have decided are the death of sleep (not the sleep of death) and the enemy of steady hands. Surgeons on steroids - bad idea.

So basically, when I did manage to get back to school (after regaining the strength to stand up and walk on my own) I'd missed three weeks of classes. Lucky for me, Journal folks are awesome, and since they knew what was going on, they covered me for the paper. And my professors are working with me to help me make up what I've missed. Some of them anyway...

I'm doing better now. I'm walking great. I can't run yet, and I still have a little trouble with stairs, but it's a lot smoother sailing now. I've got an appointment with a specialist up in Provo tomorrow, where they're going to knock me out and shove tubes down my throat. Just the sort of thing to look forward to... Ugh. But oh well. Oh - and I'm on a new diet. Which I hate. Because it eliminates all my favorite foods. Like... all of them. No pasta, bread, corn, potatoes, dairy or sugar. It's painful. Oh well.

School is going well, for having missed so much. I've got my own radio show on Power 91 this semester, and that's cool. I love my radio broadcast class... I would love my news editing class a lot more if it wasn't at 8:30 in the morning. Anyway. Speaking of news editing, I've got an editorial to write before my radio hour, so I'd better get crackin'.

More updates as they come along!
--Anna Grace

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